Fitness Vježbe za ravan trbuh 04. siječnja 2018.

Iskustvo blogerice: 'Shvatila sam da se trbuh skida u kuhinji, a tek potom u teretani'

Foto: Instagram @nessasphere
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Nessa tridesetdevetogodišnja fitness blogerica nije imala problema s debljanjem iako je cijeli život jela sve što je poželjela. Kada se zaposlila u financijskoj branši, zanemarila je svoje zdravlje i tijelo i ubrzo shvatila da nešto mora promijeniti.

Nessa, fitness blogerica iz Luxembourga kaže kako je bila fokusirana na posao, a ne na svoje tijelo: "Nisam pazila što jedem i konstantno sam se osjećala umorno i bila pod stresom", prenosi portal Shape.

Odlučila je nešto poduzeti na početku prošle godine tako da je počela s malim promjenama koje su joj pomogle usvojiti zdraviji način života.

Salata-Dijeta Možda te zanima... Dijetne navike koje svi trebamo usvojiti Dijeta

Počela je trenirati ujutro jer se jednostavno nije mogla natjerati otići u teretanu nakon posla. Iako joj se bilo teško naviknuti na buđenje u 5 ujutro, nakon nekog vremena taj dio dana joj je postao vrlo drag, a mogla se probuditi bez problema i prije budilice. 


Good morning! I am a little bit anxious and also excited today as this is my first video coming to you! 🙈😀 I hope you're gonna like it, so I will share more in the future. Today I wanna show you one of the exercises I do while having my Lower Body session. This is a Romanian Deadlift 😍🏋🏼‍♀️ If you want to develop and strenghten your harmstrings and increase the mobility of your hips, you should definitely include Romanian Deadlifts to your exercise list. This exercise also builds stronger and more stable lower back 👍🏼 The move starts from the straight position (unlike the Conventional Deadlift) and you go down and up and this is one rep. I do advise you to take a video to check your form. My 1st attempt in my video was 50kg and I felt quite good about it 💣 But I see also I should more squeeze my glutes when I finish the move. However my back is straight, I push my butt back and I lower the bar down of my legs as far as I can (here even until the bar hits the floor, a little bit too long I believe) 🤗 And then if you see my next attempt with 60kg, this one is not a proper form. My back is not straight and it could cause an injury. You also see that my posture is not stable, the move is not flawless at all and I do not lift with confidence... But it was just a try and this is only my 4th week of lifting, so I am still working on adding more weights and for now I am comfortable only with 55kg 🔥💦🏋🏼‍♀️ I am not an expert, so I am open to a discussion on my form ☺️👆🏼 And please, let me know if you would like to see more videos 😅🙏🏼 Happy Sunday guys! 😘 #fitness #motivation #lifting #deadlift #romaniandeadlift

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Nije sve u treningu

Nakon 6 mjeseci primijetila je da joj se tijelo počelo mijenjati. Uskoro je dosegla maksimum svojih mogućnosti i stala na mjestu iako se osjećala kao da daje sve od sebe. Tu je shvatila da mora promijeniti svoj način prehrane

Iako je Nessa oduvijek bila uvjerena kako se poprilično zdravo hrani, shvatila je da ne pridaje veliku pozornost veličinama porcija obroka, da često zna preskočiti obrok i to kasnije nadoknađuje emocionalnim prejedanjem

Tražila je svoju poslovnu kolegicu, osobnu trenericu, da joj pomogne isplanirati plan prehrane koji će joj pomoći u oblikovanju tijela. 

Jela je svaka tri sata, 5 do 6 obroka u danu koji su skupa iznosili oko 2000 kalorija. 


Sunday! And Sunday means a new start into meal preparation 🤗 I decided to do today Chipotle inspired bowls 👆🏼😍 What is inside of those 3 lunch boxes? Basmati rice with lemon juice and cilantro, pinto and black beans, chipotle spiced chicken thighs and fried bell peppers with onion. I have also avocado to be cut tomorrow. I will also have a tomato salsa that I will quickly prepare in the morning and green salad cut to have it fresh 🍅 I will eat all of those 3 meals at work, each every 3 hours. I will also have my protein oatmeal with almonds, hazel nuts, cashews, raspberries and plums for breakfast and scrambled eggs with spinach, tomatoes and avocado for dinner 🍴😛 If I feel like snacking, there will be a Maple-licious Protein Bar from @empactbars in my bag 🍫💕 And now I am off to bed, alarm is set up, morning workout on my plan for tomorrow 💪🏼😴 #proteinbar #nutrition #mealpreparation #mealprep #fooddiary #kaylaitsines #kaylasarmy #sweatwithkayla #bbgjourney #healthyjourney #fitness #healthyeating #healthymeal #bbgfooddiary #bbgcommunity #bbgover30 #bbgmotivation #fitnessmotivation #foodroutine #foodinspiration #foodgoals #iifym #macros #flexibledieting #macrocounting #lunchbox #mealprepsunday #chipotle #chipotlebowl

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Usvajanje zdravih navika

Na poslu je jela batat, pileća prsa, brokulu, avokado, basmati rižu, mahune s maslinovim uljem, integralnu tjesteninu s rezancima od tikvice, škampima i domaćim pestom

Jela je pripremala prije početka novog tjedna tako da nije imala izgovor za pojesti nešto što je izvan dozvoljenog jelovnika.

Za večeru bi si pripremila kajganu sa špinatom i rajčicom, integralni tost s kikiriki maslacem i bananom, ili zelenu salatu s dimljenim lososom i rižinim krekerima. 

Nakon što je vjerno slijedila ovaj plan 11 mjeseci, primijetila je nevjerojatnu razliku. Iako je dobila 2 kile nakon ovog teškog perioda, njeno tijelo je bilo sasvim oblikovano s naglašenim, čvrstim trbušnjacima.


It takes a lot of patience and dedication when you are not anymore in your 20's. I am 39 years old and I keep telling this because it is so important in terms of progress. You need to be really consistent to achieve your goals. You have to give your best and work for it. Every damn day. Work for it. Don't get me wrong, I am not telling you that it's easy when you are younger, because it's not. If it would be easy, everyone could do this. I just want to encourage you not to give up even if sometimes you have to wait longer for the change to come. But if you really want it, you can do it. After all Rome wasn't built in a day, right? 🤗😁 #transformationtuesday #bbgprogress #sweatwithkayla #strongnotskinny #weightlifting #kaylaitsines #motivation #fitinspiration #lifting #beforeandafter #inspiration #fitspo #fitgoals

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 Cijeli ovaj proces inspirirao je Nessu da i sama postane profesionalna trenerica, a svoj napredak nastavit će dijeliti na Instagram profilu.

Možda te zanima... "Učvrstila sam cijelo tijelo, a pritom nisam izgubila ni kilogram"! Fitness

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