Dijeta 25. listopada 2018.

Blogerica hrabro pokazala noge: Nuspojave mršavljenja o kojima nitko ne govori

Foto: Instagram/Denis Rajčić
zdrava krava postala miss7zdrava.24sata.hr

Jacqueline Adan smršavjela je 160 kilograma i na svom Instagram profilu podijelila nuspojavu gubitka tjelesne težine o kojoj nitko ne govori. Za mnoge ljude koji se bore s gubitkom težine, mršavljenje je samo jedan dio bitke, a Jacqueline je dokumentirala svoj petogodišnji put gubitka težine koji se sastojao od mnogih prepreka.

Nakon gubitka 160 kilograma, odlaska na liposukciju i prolaska kroz nekoliko operacija uklanjanja kože, Adan je podijelila kako izgleda višak kože nakon mršavljenja. Umjesto da skriva svoju kožu, odlučila je hrabro otkriti svojim pratiteljima na Instagramu kako to izgleda. 


Being skinny is ok. Not being skinny is ok. Being curvy is ok. Not having curves is ok. Having loose skin is ok. Not having loose skin is ok. Having a 6 pack is ok. Not having a 6 pack is ok. Being at a place where you are still trying to figure out what your next move will be, where you want to go, what you want to do, not having it all figured out, and not quite being who you used to be...that’s ok! I am no where near being the girl I used to be. I am on this journey of going through so many changes, so many skin removal surgeries, trying to do what’s best for me and my body and I am still trying to figure out...me...that’s ok! Our value does not come from the size or shape of our bodies. Our bodies do not define who we are. And for me, I felt stuck, trapped, inside a body that was not me. No one knows how hard I worked to get to the place I am at today, and no one may really truly understand my whole journey. What I do know, is that my value, my beauty, my worth...does not come from the size or shape of my body. Whether I am 500 pounds, have loose skin, am my lowest weight, gain a few pounds, lose a few pounds or decide to have a 6 pack. My worth never will be determined by a number or a size again. It’s ok to be figuring out who you are and it’s ok to be the best version of you...no matter what that looks like!

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Jacqueline je obukla kratke hlače i pokazala svoje noge nakon liposukcije. 

"Moja je koža jako opuštena i ima je stvarno puno", napisala je. 

"Cijeli život sam mrzila svoje noge. Pokušala sam sve što sam mogla kako bih ih sakrila", napisala je Adan u popratnom postu. Ona je prije mršavljenja imala 230 kilograma, a nakon gubitka 160 kilograma odlučila je otići na operaciju uklanjanja kože.


🗣SOUND ON! Swipe for the entire video! This is a super vulnerable post for me. My whole life I have hated my legs. Like hated. I tried everything I could do to keep them covered at all times. I carried a lot of my weight in my legs and weighing over 500 pounds...it was a lot. When I decided to embark on my skin removal surgery journey after losing 350 pounds, I wanted my legs done first because I wanted them gone! All of the fat, loose skin... I was ready to see my “new legs” from all of my hard work. Well...2 years later and we are now figuring out the best way to embark on that task. The first step we did was remove some extra weight through liposuction (about 20 pounds was removed) and now we are beginning the skin removal surgery process and figuring out the plan of attack. I wanted to share my legs with you because...well because I am scared. Even though I do not hate them anymore, I still feel very insecure with them. Even though I am insecure, I am not going to let them stop me from living my life or sharing them with you. This is real and this is me. This is what hard work looks like. This is what putting so many years of not only losing an extreme amount of weight, but learning to love and take care of my body looks like. I know it kinda looks crazy, but that’s how my journey has been. You can call them ugly, nasty, big, fat, disgusting. Don’t worry anything negative you could ever say about them I have thought those things too. I am now embracing my legs for what they are. They carried me at 500 pounds, through my whole weight loss journey, and even carried me through my 5 skin removal procedures. They never gave up on me, never quit on me, and only became stronger! So this is me. These are my legs. I am not going to call them ugly anymore. These are my strong legs. I cannot wait to embark on the next chapter of skin removal and really see just how strong these legs really are! To learn more about my skin removal journey or to learn more about my amazing surgeon @joelbeckmd

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Ali proces nije bio tako lak kao što se nadala, nakon gubitka dodatnih 20 kilograma težine kroz liposukciju, bila je spremna ukloniti dodatnu kožu. 

"Sva ta debljina, opuštena koža... Bila sam spremna vidjeti svoje nove noge nakon puno odricanja. Sada...2 godine kasnije,  još uvijek pokušavam pronaći najbolji način da se upustim u taj zadatak", nastavila je. 

Odlučila je otkriti svoje noge jer se boji i želi biti potpuno transparentna

"Iako ih više ne mrzim, još uvijek se osjećam vrlo nesigurno kad su u pitanju moje noge. Iako nemam samopouzdanja, neću dopustiti da me zaustave da živim punim plućima ili podijelim svoju priču s vama", napisala je Jacqueline: "ovo sam stvarna ja. Ovo je naporan posao. Nije samo gubitak ekstremne količine kilograma težak nego je teško naučiti voljeti i brinuti o svome tijelu. Znam da izgleda ludo, ali takav je bio moj put."


My challenge and setbacks are a blessing in disguise. I survived what was meant to destroy me. I came back only stronger, wiser and more fabulous than ever! For me, it took weighing over 500 pounds to finally learn what it feels like to take care of myself and finally say I can love myself! For in my struggle, I was only able to learn just how strong I really am! It was in my setbacks where I finally learned to never give up and believe in me! That yes, I can do it! Now your turn! Comment down below something that you are struggling with and how you can overcome that challenge and come back stronger than ever! Also I got so many questions about this dress!! It is seriously my new favorite item I and I am finding any excuse to wear it! You can canget all of my outfit details using the @liketoknow.it app or by using the shop my looks link in my bio or on my blog. As always I tried my best to find similar plus-size items. http://liketk.it/2xxRQ #liketkit #LTKwedding #LTKcurves #mysf #sanfrancisco #topshop #selflove #bodypositive #lovemyshape #nordstrom #nordygirl #stripedress #colorfuloutfit #curvyblogger #halogen

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Naučila sam voljeti svoje noge i s viškom kože

Jacquelinea poruka o prihvaćanju sebe doista je inspirativna, objašnjava kako je naučila cijeniti svoje noge zato što su učinile dosta za nju. 

"Možete ih zvati ružnima, gadnima, velikima, debelima i odvratnima. Ne brini, sve negativno što imate za reći o njima i ja sam mislila", napisala je: "sad cijenim svoje noge zbog onog što jesu. Nosile su me i kad imala 230 kilograma i kroz cijeli gubitak težine pa čak i kroz 5 postupaka uklanjanja kože. Nikada nisu odustale od mene, nikad me nisu napustile i samo su jače!"

Više ih ne nazivam ružnima.

"Ovo su moje jake noge", zaključuje ona, "ne mogu dočekati da se upustim u sljedeće poglavlje uklanjanja kože i stvarno vidim koliko su te noge uistinu jake."

Trener Dalibor Petrinić u intervjuu je otkrio zašto ekstremnom gubitku kilograma kod jako pretilih osoba treba prethoditi povezivanje uma i tijela i otkrivanje uzroka debljanja. 

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