Fitness Vježbe za mršavljenje 17. studenoga 2019.

Fitness blogerice dokazale da manje kilograma ne znači bolji izgled!

Foto: Instagram/Denis Rajčić
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Napokon smo pronašli trend na društvenim mrežama koji zapravo želimo podržati. Koristeći "ScrewTheScale hešteg, korisnici društvenih mreža objavljuju fotografije svoje fitness transformacije koja pokazuju da broj na vagi nije bitan.

Men's Health prenosi kako se na Twitteru i Instagramu može pronaći mnoštvo fotografija transformacija žena koje pokazuju da brojevi na vagi nema važnu ulogu. Naime, na fotografijama je prikazano da je težina "poslije" transformacije obično veća ili jednaka težini "prije", a cilj takvih fotografija je pokazati nevjerojatnu vizualnu razliku koju zdrava prehrana i treninga snage mogu napraviti. 

Self prenosi da je ovaj trend pokrenula fitness blogerica Kelsey Wells u srpnju 2016. godine kad je objavila tri fotografije na Instagramu koje su potkopale očekivanja njezinih sljedbenika.


SCREW THE SCALE || I figured it was time for a friendly, yet firm reminder.🤗 YOU GUYS. PLEASEEEEEE STOP GETTING HUNG UP ON THE NUMBER ON THE STUPUD SCALE! PLEASE STOP THINKING YOUR WEIGHT EQUALS YOUR PROGRESS AND FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING PLEASE STOP LETTING YOR WEIGHT HAVE ANY AFFECT WHATSOEVER ON YOUR SELF ESTEEM, like I used to. To any of you who are where I once was, please listen to me. I am 5' 7" and weigh 140 lbs. When I first started #bbg I was 8 weeks post partum and 145 lbs. I weighed 130 before getting pregnant, so based on nothing besides my own warped perception, I decided my "goal weight" should be 122 and to fit into my skinniest jeans. Well after a few months of BBG and breastfeeding, I HIT IT and I fit into those size 0 jeans. Well guess what? I HAVE GAINED 18 POUNDS SINCE THEN. EIGHT FREAKING TEEN. Also, I have gone up two pant sizes and as a matter of fact I ripped those skinny jeans wide open just the other week trying to pull them up over my knees.😂 My point?? According to my old self and flawed standards, I would be failing miserably. THANK GOODNESS I finally learned to start measuring my progress by things that matter -- strength, ability, endurance, health, and HAPPINESS. Take progress photos and videos. Record how many push-ups you can do, ect. And if you can, your BFP -- there is only a 5 lb difference between my starting and current weight, but my body composition has changed COMPLETELY. I have never had more muscle and less body fat than I do now. I have never been healthier than I am now. I have never been more comfortable in my own skin than I am now. And if I didn't say #screwthescale long ago, I would have gave up on my journey. So to the little teeny tiny voice in the back of my head that still said "😳wtf is this- not 140!?😭😩" last week when I stepped on the scale, I say SCREW. YOU. And I think you should probably say the same to your scale too. #byefelicia 👋🏼🚫⚖ . . #bbgprogress #transformationtuesday #fit #fitness #workout #fitmom #fitchick #fitfam #fitnesstransformation #beforeandafter #sweat #mysweatlife #girlswithmuscle #girlgains #strongnotskinny

A post shared by KELSEY WELLS (@kelseywells) on

Prva fotografija prikazuje Wells na početku njezinog fitness putovanja sa 65 kilograma, na drugoj Wells ima 55 kilograma, a treća pokazuje Wells sa 63 kilograma. Iako je između prve i druge fotografije postojala razlika od 10 kilograma, Wells je izgledao otprilike isto, dok je na trećoj fotografiji mišićavija. 

"Ljudi, molim vas da se prestanite brinuti o broju na glupoj vagi", napisala je Wells na svom Instagramu, dodajući: "Molim vas prestanite misliti da vaša težina označava vaš fitness napredak. I prije svega, molim vas nemojte dopuštati da vaša težina ima bilo kakav učinak na vaše samopoštovanje." 

Wells nije jedinca korisnica koja se pridružila ovom izazovu, mnogi drugi su učinili isto. Do danas postoji više od 28 tisuća fotografija koje u svom opisu sadrže #ScrewTheScale. Mnoge žene su upravo putem ovog trenda otvoreno progovorile o svojoj borbi s brojkom na vagi te kilogramima. 


🌸 OPINIONS 🌸 . . Why is it that we care so much about what other people think of us, but forget about the one person's opinion that matters most? . . I can not even tell you how long I spent caring way too much of what other people thought of me. When I was young, I used to come home from dancing every Tuesday night and cry to my mum because I was getting picked on. She'd say 'ok then we won't go back' and then I'd cry harder because all I wanted to do was dance. That was a cycle that I went through for a long time. I never really fit in with that crowd. Yet every Tuesday night I just wanted to be accepted, to be part of the group. As an adult it was the same thing, I just wanted to be accepted by people. I wanted to fit in and in doing so I lost who I was. I wouldn't be myself for fear that people wouldn't like me! On the outside I seemed like this vivacious outgoing person, yet inside I was so insecure. I needed people's validation. I needed their approval to value my self-worth. I've come from an industry where everything about you is judged. Your looks, your physique, your height, your weight, your ability, your performance quality, your flexibility... I can go on and on... This of course didn't help with the whole self love thing... it has taken me a very long time to realise that in order for me to be happy, I have to not worry so much about what people think of me. I have to remind myself that people are going to have their opinions of me... but I don't have to care! This is one thing that I will always have trouble with and will constantly have to work on. But changing my lifestyle, working on my health and fitness has been a MASSIVE help! I'm definitely a lot more comfortable in my own skin and proud of who I am and how far I've come! 🌸 . . . . . . #bbg #bbgcommunity #bbgfam #bbg2017 #bbgprogress #bbgaustralia #bbgsisters #bbgbabes #bbgladies #bbggirls #bbgover30 #bikinibodyguide #bikinibody #bbgstronger #bbgfamily#sweatwithkayla #kaylasarmy #kaylaitsines #fit #fitfam #fitspo #fitness #fitchick #fitties #thekaylamovement #strongnotskinny #iifym #bootygoals #gymjunkie #screwthescale

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Želiš promijeniti svoje tijelo? Jedi bolje!

Tko je rekao da se mišići stvaraju u kuhinju, imao je potpuno pravo. Prehrana igra vitalnu ulogu i gubljenju masti i izgradnji mišića. Međutim, bez obzira na to je li tvoj cilj izgradnja mišića, gubitak tjelesne masti ili oboje, svoju prehranu prilagodi dolasku do tog cilja. 

Odmakni se od kardija!

Sati i sati kardija ne samo da omogućuju dosadan trening nego ga čine i neučinkovitim. Više mišiće mase znači brži metabolizam, što da znači sagorijevanje više kalorija. Umjesto tolikih sati provedenih na traci za trčanje, uzmi poneki uteg i napravi trening snage. 


Prihvati svoje tijelo!

Činjenica je da mnoge žene imaju problem s prihvaćanjem vlastitog tijela. Ako nešto možeš naučiti od ovih žena, to je da samopouzdanje izgleda stvarno prokleto dobro i ne ovisi o broju na vagi. 

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