Dijeta Dijetni savjeti 27. ožujka 2018.

Zašto neke osobe koje jedu zdravo nikako ne mogu smršavjeti?

zobena kaša
Foto: Thinkstock Zobena kaša s bobičastim voćem sadrži obilje vlakana
zdrava krava postala miss7zdrava.24sata.hr

Naravno da ne trebaš biti nutricionistica da bi znala da veličina porcije čini veliku razliku kada je broj kalorija u pitanju. Ali, ipak je drugačije kada nešto znaš i kada to vidiš. Brojanje kalorija je dosta naporno, ali ako želiš smršavjeti dobro je da bar okvirno znaš brojke. Blogerica Amanda Meixner koja piše o hrani i fitnessu napravila je usporedbu.


What do you think the differences are? 😍 First off, let me just say this combo is ridiculously good 💫 Second off, below is a breakdown of each side & some tips to save calories: . Lower cal treat: 1 cup 2% Greek yogurt 1 tsp honey 20g 85% dark chocolate 1 cup blueberries 1/2 cup strawberries 1/2 tbsp cashew butter . Higher cal treat: 1 cup 2% Greek yogurt 1 tbsp honey 60g 85% dark chocolate 1/2 cup blueberries 1/4 cup strawberries 2 1/2 tbsp cashew butter . Tips to save calories: 1 - Balance healthy fats with low calorie fruits. Add more fruit instead of overdoing the chocolate which saves a lot of calories. 2 - Watch the nut butter portions! 1/2 tbsp is much different in calories than 2 1/2 tbsp. 3 - Watch the honey! While it makes a great natural sweetener, the sugar calories add on quick. . Inspo cred: @movingdietitian ❤️ . . #healthyeating #cleaneating #fitfood #mealprep #dessert #healthyfood #foodprep #chocolate #nutrition #protein #mealplan #yogurt #icecream #weightloss #cleaneats #dessertporn #healthylife #healthylifestyle #mealprepsunday #healthychoices #mealprepping #macros #sweets #mealprepmonday #baking #sweettooth #desserts #flexibledieting #healthyliving #iifym

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

S lijeve strane, Amanda Meixner koja piše blog o prehrani i fitnessu u zdjelicu je stavila:

  • 1 šalicu grčkog jogurta s 2% mm
  • 1 čajnu žlicu meda
  • 20 g čokolade s 85 % kakaa
  • šalicu borovnica
  • 1/2 šalice jagoda
  • 1/2 žlice maslaca od orašastih plodova
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U zdjelicu s desne strane stavila je:

  • 1 šalicu grčkog jogurta s 2% mm
  • 1 žlicu meda
  • 60 g čokolade s 85 % kakaa
  • 1/2 šalice borovnice
  • 1/4 šalice jagoda
  • 2 1/2 žlice maslaca od orašastih plodova

Can you spot the difference? Here’s a great example of how you can customize your meal to meet your caloric goals 💪 . 2 Things to think about when determining your meal calories (or portion size) 1 - How many meals am I eating today? 2 - What is my calorie total for the day? That should determine around what amount of calories you eat in one meal. . Tips for lowering calories: ⁃Sub in more veggies instead of carbs! I.e. lower calorie salad has triple the tomatoes and double the bell peppers but half the beans. 🍅 - Watch the healthy fats. The right amount of healthy fats are key but the calories add up quick. Higher calorie salad has triple the hummus, additional 1 tbsp olive oil & additional 1/4 avocado. - Find an appropriate amount of protein. 3/4 a cup is equal to about 4oz. . Lower calorie salad: 3 cups spinach 4oz chicken 1 1/2 cups tomatoes 1/2 cup black beans 1 yellow bell pepper 1 tbsp hummus 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 mini bell peppers . Higher calorie salad: 3 cups spinach 6oz chicken 1/2 cups tomatoes 1 cup black beans 1/2 yellow bell pepper 3 tbsp hummus 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 mini bell peppers . --- Inspired by the talented @movingdietitian . --- #mealprepmonday #mealdiary #fooddiary #mealprep #mealprepideas #cleaneating #fitnessmeals #food #foodporn #healthyfood #gymfood #fastfood #fitfoodporn #cleaneats #macros #cleaneating #foodprep #foodforfuel #mealpreponfleek #fitfoodporn #foodfacts #caloriecounting

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

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