Fitness Vježbe za mršavljenje 08. rujna 2020.

U sedamdesetoj smršavjela 30 kg i postala fitness Influencerica

Foto: Screenshot: Instagram/Joan MacDonald
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Joan MacDonald (74) iz Coburga u Kanadi na svom Instagram profilu 'Train With Joan' ima čak 80 tisuća pratitelja koje je stekla nakon što je prije tri godine odlučila promijeniti svoj život, tako što je smršavjela 30 kilograma i riješila se kroničnih bolova.

S navršenih 70 godina Joan je bila nezadovoljna svojim životom. Imala je viška kilograma (90 kg), bila je na lijekovima za povišen krvni tlak i borila se s ozbiljnim artritisom. Zbog toga je odlučila napraviti promjenu. Počela je vježbati i jela je pet uravnoteženih obroka dnevno te sada ima 60 kilograma. 

Promjena je počela kada je njezina kći Michelle, kondicijska trenerica primijetila kako bi njezina majka trebala nešto poduzeti za svoje zdravlje. Tada je Joan obnovila članstvo u teretani i kupila vagu. Trenira uglavnom pet dana u tjednu po 90 minuta, a trening joj se sastoji.

  • 4 x tjedno trening snage
  • 1 x tjedno yoga
  • 3-4 x kardio, vožnja bicikla 40 minuta.

Nakon što je smršavjela rekla je i da je povećala unos hrane te u jednom danu unese oko:

  • 14 g proteina
  • 180 g ugljikohidrata
  • 40 g masti.



These are a favorite ab exercise of mine. I remember what bicycle crunches were an impossible dream, yet here I am 4 years after starting my transformation journey and I’m still going strong. My daughter has me slowly alternating and really focusing on pulling in my core. I’m trying to rebuild my ab wall to be flatter and stronger and I now believe that anything is possible even at my advanced age.💪 I train my abs 3 x week, and I do different exercises for my TVA (transverse abdominals) my obliques and my rectus abdominus muscle (the six-pack muscles😀). In the three months I’ve been down at @tulumstrengthclub I’ve managed to trim up a little more. I arrived weight 140 lbs and I’m now 132 pounds. 🎉🎊🎉 I’m also eating a little bit more, and my macros are now: 140 G protein, 180 g carbs and 40 g fat. 🧡 I’m training with weights 4 x week, yoga 1 x week, and cardio 3-4 x week (a 40 minutes bike ride). This year I’m spending the entire winter in Tulum! If you are coming there, make sure you come and say hi! I always love running into you guys, it really puts a smile on my face! Thank you all for your encouragement and support. It’s been amazing to have you by my side in this journey, cheering me on! Have a lovely week, take care of yourselves, and be strong! With love, Joan ❤️ . Outfit is @womensbestwear . It’s the seamless leggings in small and the True tank top in red Medium. 🥰 . #womensbestwear #womensbest

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"Bez obzira koliko je život težak ili izazovan, moramo ostati nepokolebljivi u svom cilju i nastaviti ići dalje. Kad sam započela, nisam ni zamislila da ću danas biti ovdje. Samo sam se željela vratiti u stanje zdravlja i prestati uzimati toliko lijekova. Svaka vrata kroz koja prođemo vode do drugih vrata", poručila je Joan.



A few of us gals have gotten together to help spread a positive message out there about the wide variety of shapes, ages, sizes and ethnicities showing what an athlete is ! 🏆🏆 This is what an athlete looks like: different shapes, different styles, and different stories from all around the world. Because health and fitness isn’t one size fits all — but it certainly is one incredible way to feel amazing. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Today, we’d love to challenge you to show us your sweaty glow-up, your workout, your cool down. Take a snap and share it with #ImAnAthlete. If you’re feeling extra wild, go ahead and tag us and @womensbest We are ready to cheer you on. 🎉🎉🎊🎊🧸🧸 Here’s who’s involved: Me! 🙋🏼‍♀️- A woman redefining our understanding of health and age, showing that you can’t turn back the clock but you can wind it up again. @Qui2health - A mental and physical transformer @Bethyred - A plus-sized fitness advocate who rocks HIIT workouts @Showtimewerner - A Special Olympics National Championship winner and 2x world champion gymnast @sfm_fitness - A personal trainer and incredible fitness mama @charli_kate - A 4’2’’ Dwarfism advocate and positive self-talk junkie @danaemercer - A health journalist focused on making folks feel normal We are so glad you’re here! 💛🧡💚 #ImAnAthlete #womensbestwear #womensbest #gracias

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Na svom profilu je objasnila i kako bi trebao izgledati netko tko je u sportskoj formi: "Te osobe dolaze u različitim veličinama, dobi, obliku i nacionalnosti. Zdravlje i kondicija ne dolaze u jednoj veličini i zato nema razloga da se osjećaš nevjerojatno."


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