Dijeta 30. kolovoza 2019.

Nakon što je izgubila 50 kg, odbacila je dijete i prigrlila svoje 'pravo' tijelo

Foto: Instagram/Denis Rajčić
zdrava krava postala miss7zdrava.24sata.hr

Bivša fitness blogerica i YouTube zvijezda Kate Writer iz Australije odbacila je dijete i prigrlila svoje "pravo" tijelo te podijelila na svom Instagram profilu niz fotografija u bikiniju te dobila brojne pohvale od svojih sljedbenika.

Na Kateinom Instagramu mogu se vidjeti fotografije prije i poslije, ali obrnutim redoslijedom. Naime, Kate je pokazala fotografije sebe iz 2014. godine kada je smršavjela 50 kilograma i sada kada je veći dio tih kilograma vratila. Kate je prije dijete nosila konfekcijski broj 48, zatim nakon gubitka 50 kg 36/38, a sada nosi 44 i ponosno pokazuje svoje tijelo.


Don’t judge my story by the chapter you walked in on. - In the past week I have been slammed with a bunch of names. Lazy, unhealthy, unmotivated, a failure, fat, unfit, uninspiring, chubby, bad example, careless, I have no willpower, I don’t care about my body, I don’t care about my health, and I have been told multiple times that I’m a terrible role model 🤷🏽‍♀️ - For people to say I looked “healthier” when I was skinnier proves how uneducated we are about “health”. When I was my smallest I was far from healthy. I over exercised, under ate, restricted food groups, lacked energy, completely lost my sex drive, I had a poor social life and my relationships deteriorated. I experienced body dysmorphia, mood swings, constant negative self talk and spent years counting my calories and being in a calorie deficit. Yet I was “healthier”!?! 🤦🏽‍♀️ - Over coming these things and living a balanced life in which I love my body, have loads of self confidence, no health problems and am genuinely happy is so much more important to me than chasing a number on the scales. I eat a balanced diet with no restriction, train 5-6 times a week for enjoyment, have an amazing social life and relationship, experience no disordered eating and literally am the happiest I’ve ever been...I don’t understand how that is “unhealthy”? - I am not “back where I started”, I didn’t “give up”, I haven’t “let myself go” and I am NOT “a failure”. I am not promoting obesity, laziness, or complacency, I am promoting happiness, self confidence, self love, positivity and I simply want to encourage all of you to live YOUR best life, whatever that may look like ❤️

A post shared by Kate |📍AUS (@dedikated_lifestyle) on

Objasnila je da joj se nije svidio život u kojem je opsjednuta s prehranom i dijetama. "Nakon što sam izgubila 50 kilograma i shvatila da sam postala opsjednuta dijetama, bila sam uvjerena da jedino mršava mogu biti sretna. Što je jezičac na vagi pokazivao manji broj moje samopouzdanje je postajalo veće. Ali, unatoč tome što sam izgubila 50 kilograma ni to nije bilo dovoljno. Uvijek je bilo još nešto na tijelu za što sam smatrala da treba popraviti. Patila sam od čestih promjena raspoloženja, opsesivno sam brojala kalorije, ljubavni i društveni život su mi bili jadni. Ukratko previše sam trenirala i premalo jela, izgledala sam dobro, ali nisam bila zadovoljna."


It’s time to NORMALIZE our bodies! . - The cellulite, stretch marks, back rolls, flabby arms, pancake bum, uneven skin, whatever it may be - let’s re think why these are seen as shameful. What’s the actual reason why we “hate” them and why aren’t we confident enough to show them off? Lets get real, we weren’t born hating these parts of our bodies, so what’s changed? . - Call me crazy, but I’m here to tell you that you do NOT need abs to enjoy summer, you don’t need to be starving and deprived to wear a bikini and no one deserves to feel like they need to take up less space to fit in ❤️ . - How about we start loving the skin we’re in (stretch marks included) and stop thinking that we have to look a certain way to enjoy life. No more hiding, no more shame and no more judgement. - Time to stop waiting and start living 🙌🏼😘

A post shared by Kate |📍AUS (@dedikated_lifestyle) on

Kate je shvatila da ne želi tako živjeti i da njezinu vrijednost ne određuje broj kilograma. "Htjela sam se usredotočiti na druge stvari, a ne samo misliti o hrani i vježbanju. S dijetom sam počela jer mi je prekomjerna težina postala smetnja za zdravlje, osim prehrane počela sam vježbati i crossfit te sam došla do toga da sam trebala odjeću pet brojeva manju. Ali, nisam željele proživjeti život opsjednuta vlastitim izgledom", rekla je Kate koja trenutno nosi konfekcijski broj 44 i smatra da je težina koju sada ima njezina "prirodna", kaže da i dalje vježba i jede uravnoteženo te nema zdravstvenih problema. "Sretnija sam nego ikada", izjavila je.


Just because you weigh more doesn’t mean you are worth less ❤️ - Weight gain is seen as such a negative thing. It’s something that people try to avoid at all costs and has this stigma of failure surrounding it. But what if weighing more meant you’d actually be happier? What if finding that balanced weight meant that you could live your life more than ever? What if you could feel confident without being that “goal weight” you’ve always imagined? What if you finally stopped dieting and actually started living? 🤷🏽‍♀️ - In no way am I saying to throw your health out the window and fill your body with crap in order to be happy, but I simply challenge you to re-think where your happiness is coming from. What are you sacrificing in order to weigh less, and is that truly making you feel fulfilled? . - Sometimes gaining weight is simply a side effect of living your best life, and that is something I will never be ashamed of (and you shouldn’t be either) ❤️

A post shared by Kate |📍AUS (@dedikated_lifestyle) on

Kate Writer pozvala je sljedbenike na Instagramu da prihvate tjelesne pojave poput celulita, strija, naslaga na leđima i opuštenih nadlaktica kao normalne i da se prestanu sramiti. "Vrijeme je da prestanemo čekati i počnemo živjeti", poručila je blogerica svojim sljedbenicima i napomenula da ni u kojem slučaju ne želi promovirati pretilost i lijenost, nego postizanje forme na zdrav način.


Training and body confidence 🤔😘 - I honestly have so many things I want to say on this topic, but I’ve decided to condense it into 5 top tips 👌🏼 (these definitely apply for ALL shapes and sizes 😘) - 🥊 Exercise in a way that makes you feel good! That’s definitely different for everyone - it may be CrossFit, f45, boxing, pole dancing, ballroom dancing, bootcamp, running, swimming, team sports-the list goes on. Training in the gym is NOT for everyone so don’t let that stop you. . 🥊 Don’t think that you can’t exercise because you’re a certain size. Majority of exercises can be modified for all sizes, all fitness levels and for past injures. . 🥊 Don’t worry about people looking at you while you’re exercising! Most of the time they aren’t thinking what you think they are, or it’s actually a positive thought they’re having. . 🥊 Wear what makes you feel good. That might be a crop top with no shirt, or leggings, or booty shorts, a tight top, or a loose top, whatever makes you comfortable. . 🥊 Don’t let your current fitness level stop you from training! Fitness takes time, technique takes time and progress takes time. - But honestly, my main advice is to just do what’s right for YOU. Find something you love doing, act confident while doing it, meet new people and live how you want to live ❤️❤️ - - - Crop: @aimn.oceania (I wear an XL) Leggings @lululemonausnz (I wear a 12/Aus 16)

A post shared by Kate |📍AUS (@dedikated_lifestyle) on


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